Saturday, December 12, 2009

Is Nivea Goodbye Cellulite cream safe during pregnancy?

Does anyone know or has anyone asked their Dr? It seems that cellulite gets worse during pregnancy but I am not sure if this cream is safe or not. I asked the company and they said it is, but just wondering if anyone else out there has heard anything about this product. ThanksIs Nivea Goodbye Cellulite cream safe during pregnancy?
I know! I'm sorry, i'm not sure if it's safe or not during pregnancy, maybe you should ask at your next visit. But i'm only 22 and weighed 120 before pregnancy. Now, I've got celulite everwhere, all over my *** and thighs! It's so depressing! Maybe I should pick some up if it helps! :DIs Nivea Goodbye Cellulite cream safe during pregnancy?
I don't know, but If it is I might try it. I have never had at 36 weeks I notice it all over!!
I don't care what the company says, 60% of creams that you put on your skin are absorbed into your bloodstream. Companies lie for t heir own benefit. Dow Chemical put out pills that were for morning sickness and lied for 12 years about it not causing birth defects when, in fact, it caused cleft pallet, shortened limbs and shortened necks. I know because my twins were victims of this product. Don't put anything into or on your body that you don't have to during this time. Your skin is the largest organ of your body. It has it's own system of nerves and blood vessles and is made to keep out harmful elements and keep your other organs inside. Stay healthy and good luck. The cellulite will lessen once your pregnancy is over.

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