Saturday, December 12, 2009

If Usign Nivea Moisturising Cream On Your Face Evrey Day Can It Cause ACNE?

Teenager Question:

Nivea Cream Applied On Face Evreyday (Pea-Sized Amount)

I Heard Acne Is Caused By The Paws Being Blocked, So Can

Moisutising Cream Block The Paws.If Usign Nivea Moisturising Cream On Your Face Evrey Day Can It Cause ACNE?
Acne can be caused by many different things. Generally, moisturizers should not clog your pores; however; using the wrong moisturizer for your skin type may cause acne. Using the proper skin care system at every age is essential to having beautiful skin for your lifetime. If your skin is dry then you will most likely need a moisturizer and a cleanser to help correct the problems you are experiencing. You will need a system that cleanses, exfoliates, tones, moisturizes, and protects. The Mary Kay Velocity facial cleanser and lightweight moisturizer is ideal for most teenagers. Check the website below.If Usign Nivea Moisturising Cream On Your Face Evrey Day Can It Cause ACNE?
You can buy a special face moisturizer. One is Cephal, it made especially for you face. It a wonderful product. It leaves your face feeling soft and clean. You should not be touching your face unless you are washing it. The natural oils in your skin can block your pores and cause acne.

There is other facial moisturizers as well. Read the bottles and see whick one you think can help your face. Some bottles will tell you how much and how often to use it.

Good Luck!
I use the Nivea creme on my face daily and have never had a problem.. Just make sure you use a cleanser before moisturising
i think their is a possibility that it could block pores because it is really thick and rich. you should go to your dermatologist to get a moisturizer that wont block pores, like cetaphil.
if u are going to use a moisturizer on your face you really should use a light one like this one which can be found at a local food or drug store鈥?/a>

if you don't like this one you can always use a lotion meant for faces such as any of the ones below by Aveeno鈥?/a>

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